Welcome to the website of the Professional Players Federation, the national organisation for the Player Associations in the United Kingdom. There are over 17,500 professional sportsmen and women in Britain and the PPF is dedicated to promoting, protecting and developing their collective interests. We have been working for the players since our establishment in 1991.
The PPF currently has twelve Player Associations in membership who are responsible for setting our priorities. We focus on cross-sport issues that affect all the members such as match fixing, Diversity & Inclusion, career transition, mental health and anti-doping.
You will find information on a number of research and education projects we have undertaken to help our members as well as a range of resources available to help individual players. We also provide details of our various Committees which provide forums for our Player Associations to exchange ideas, share best practice and agree the organisation’s goals.
If you have any queries relating to our work or the work of our members, please get in touch.